Impact Labs
Prepare for your Authentic MBA Career and Inspiring Personal Statement!
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We're here to help you find your authentic path.
Join Angela Guido, Career Protocol's Founder, and Aziz Lalljee, Career Protocol's Career Whisperer, and new special guests every episode to learn how to build a career based on genuine impact and positive social change.
Angela has spent her whole career empowering potential.
As a Teacher, HR Manager, Management Consultant, Recruiter for a top consulting firm and an MBA and Career Coach, Angela knows how to help you express your passion.
Aziz has spent his whole career empowering career success.
As a Management Consultant, Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist and MBA and Career Coach, Aziz knows how to help you make powerful career choices under uncertainty.
Find your purpose, pursue your path, make your unique mark in this world.
Whatever you call it, it's waaaaaaay easier said than done. If you want to make change happen in this world through your MBA, you need self-awareness, grit, and friends in the right places. We can help with the 3rd. (and also the first if you decide to work with us on your applications!)
Until then, join us for Impact Lab: a series of straight talk talks with people who are improving the world in big ways for communities they care about. You'll learn about their paths, get their advice, and fire all your questions at them so you can build your own personal statement and why MBA essay around a sense of clear and planful passion and inspire the MBA admissions committees to support your dreams.
Impact Labs
Special Guest
The Conversation
Justus Killian Principal at Space Capital and Former Acumen Fellow
Maximizing Impact on Humanity: From Africa to Outer Space
Dr. Zina Jarrah Health Economist at World Bank Group
Beyond Dollars & Doctors: Transforming Global Public Health
Dr. Matt Crespi Co-founder of Carnegie Mellon's Corporate Startup Lab
Innovation Anywhere: How to Make a Social Impact in Any Organization
Britt Williams Baker Co-founder of Dow Janes
From Food to Finances: Finding the way to make your unique mark.
Daniela Bahamon Arango Founder of Maison Alma and Rising Stanford MsX Student
From Dior to Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurship: Impact in the World of Luxury and Fashion
Jose Sarmiento Senior Program Manager at Microsoft
Making in Impact in Tech and far beyond: How to make a difference inside a huge company
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with all past recordings here!